What Is Important For You?

Joaquin Infante
1 min readMay 25, 2022

Sometimes we leave important things last. It sounds like a pardox, because it is. Why do we do that?

When you don’t have your priorities straight, you lose precious time and energy chasing for stuff that doesn’t matter to you.

I’ve established what matters to me: moments with people I love, money as a reward of being useful, money to actualize my physical environment.

It isn’t complicated. It’s just hard to execute. The way I think I can be useful is developing my life in the way I want to take it and write about it.

Great results come from great people.

I want to have those results for myself, but also to serve people in knowing they can do it too. That’s what matters most to me.

How about you? If I find myself scrolling instagram tomorrow, believe me I am neglecting what matters. It is not a question of knowledge now.

